



"From 2001-2010 I relied upon Ms. Conklin to assist me in implementing the policy priorities for the constituents of the 67th Assembly District and 35th Senate District.  As my chief of staff, Ms. Conklin made the most of the resources available to our office, winning major legislative victories while simultaneously garnering the respect of the state’s lawmakers and lobbying community."

- Senator Tom Harman (Ret.)

"Ms. Conklin and California Gaming Advisors offers those navigating the state’s legislative and regulatory systems with an invaluable resource. Ms. Conklin provides clients with comprehensive knowledge of California's gaming laws coupled with the ability to effectively advocate at all levels of state government."

- Steven Kay, Kay & Merkle LLP
"As the attorney member of the California Gambling Control Commission from 2010-2016, Ms. Conklin earned the respect of leading gaming regulators and attorneys who value her measured approach and wise counsel. Ms. Conklin has distinguished herself as a sought-after speaker at prominent gaming industry conferences throughout the United States and internationally." 

- J. Kelly Duncan, Past President of the International Masters of Gaming Law